Random Thoughts

Let’s Start From Today

That is a very powerful statement. It seems simple but it is really not.

Your past is what brought you here and made you who you are, but it does not determine your future.

On a bigger scale, the entire history of the world has happened to make you, You.

If the world did not turn as it did ~ evolution, migration, people meeting people, you would not exist.

There is a lot of pressure to make all of that worthwhile in how we live our lives ~ it can, and should, be humbling.

We are all Chosen in our own way.

Not at all in a religious way and not at all in a way that anyone is better than anyone else.

But in a way that we all have purpose. We are here, and who we are, for a reason. I don’t know that anyone can specifically say what or why with any certainty, but we do make a difference just by existing. Each of us.

We are the only ones who can.

Margaret Mead:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

It could be a simple as a smile that you give to a stranger that makes their day when they need it most.

Or, in today’s world, wearing a mask and subsequently not infecting someone and all those they know – I believe this year has strengthened our social conscience.

You could end up being someone that makes a difference to your community, Country or even the World.

All equally valid. We really don’t know which of the efforts we make actually make the difference – and that is ok – it ensures we keep trying, it truly is the gift we give that keeps giving – to others and ourselves.


So, here we are just before the Holidays and close to the end of 2020 – a challenging year – one of hardship for many and, hopefully, self realization and growth for many more.

As odd as it sounds, I am going to put forward the positives I have taken from this challenging time.

My family, friends and I are healthy and for those of my friends and family who have had challenges on that level, my heart is bigger than it has ever been for them – I can’t express in words my support but my love is flowing out.

I have always been thankful every day for my life and the good things I have. That feeling has grown over this year and I have found more focus on that positive.

Shit happens – I don’t stress about it the same way anymore. Knowing that there are so many more serious issues happening to others and to our communities puts those small issues into even greater perspective.

Funnily enough (pun intended), I am laughing more and am always looking for reasons to do so and to give that gift to others.

I reach out more readily to touch base and don’t let the days slip by with random busyness as much as I once did.

I have learned the value of the physical comfort that I took for granted – a hug from a friend or an elderly relative. That is sorely missed. I don’t think I will let go of the hug for probably an uncomfortable length of time when that is allowed again.

The world as we know it is new. We can choose our path. We can choose what is important. We can choose to be as pro-active as possible or to just be reactive and let circumstances determine our future.

I choose to make my life and my relationships with all I meet positive and I will strive for that. I can’t guarantee I will not falter or make mistakes, but I’m going to give it my best shot.

Happy Holidays and all the best for 2021.

Let’s start from today.

( The photo for this post is of our Christmas tree this year ~ crooked ~ a friend commented that it looks like it is bracing itself on the ceiling. Perfect for 2020 ~ hold on everyone! )


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