Logical Solutions

Bad Days

We all get them.

They sneak up on you.

There is no warning.

You wake up, the sun is shining ~ perhaps you had a great night’s sleep and you feel energized and ready to take on the world!

Then!  Holy Crap!

The day explodes … That Really Happened???

Stress.  Angst.  Despair.  Sorrow.  Anger.  Injustice.  Frustration.  

Pick one.

Out of the blue, your day now revolves around that negative thing.  Dependent upon the scenario, we now have to try to deal with the enormity of the situation.  Some are obviously more important than others in the big scheme of life but even the smallest event can take over your day dependent on the circumstances.

Where did this come from? How did this happen?

How do I deal with it?

Where do I go from here?

(I have a couple of previous posts that speak to dealing with challenges in our lives but this post is more about a singular event, a singular day.  The actual day and moment that shit hits the fan.)

Today, for example, I awoke to a splendiferous day!  It was Sunny and the game plan for my day that wasn’t too onerous.  The projected end game would be that I would accomplish my plans and have a Good Day.

That did not happen.   There was a moment in my day that sent my stress level through the roof!

It captured and defined my day.  It was of the worst kind ~ beyond my control and with no chance of resolution.

Perspective is the key here … often the theme in my ramblings …


So, here I am at the end of That Day.

Several glasses of wine later, I am now trying to come to terms with all the of aspects of the past hours.  Good and Bad.

What makes a day good or bad?  Is it a single event or the compilation of it all?

The challenges of this day enveloped me – they sucked up all the joy and were the focus of all my thoughts despite going through the regular motions of my life.

And, then, I recalled that I awoke to a sunny day with positive thoughts and vibes.


The stress was only a part of my day, not its entirety.

Despite the crap that can happen, there are good things, good feelings, everyday things and positive actions that make up all of our days. 

The logical solution here is to pull out those other moments, however individually brief, and embrace them all as one.

If we can try to compartmentalize the bad and remember to put it in perspective with all of the hours of our day, I think We Will All Be OK.

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